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Business rates calculation

Business rates are an annual, local tax. Ratepayers and owners of all non-domestic and business properties pay business rates, and examples of liable properties include shops, offices, pubs, warehouses and factories.

Composite properties

Some properties have both domestic and non-domestic purposes. One example is a pub with a flat above. In those cases, business rates are payable on the non-domestic part, and council tax is payable on the domestic part. Such a site is termed a composite property.

How the tax is calculated

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) sets the rateable value of each business premises. Various criteria are used such as the property’s rental value on 1 April 2021, and the Welsh Government sets a multiplier annually. Both figures determine the rates payable.

The multiplier for 2024/25 is 0.562.

Bridgend County Borough Council collects business rates for Welsh Government. The rates are redistributed to Welsh local authorities to pay for services.

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