Welsh-medium journey
Bridgend County Borough Council aims to ensure that Welsh-medium education is available to all children. It is widely recognised that attending a primary school that offers Welsh-medium education, is an excellent way of supporting fluency in the Welsh language.
In Bridgend County Borough there is a variety of support available to start learning Welsh from birth. From parent/carer and baby/toddler groups to primary and secondary education.
Early years: Birth to school age
The main providers of Welsh-medium pre-school education in Bridgend County Borough and throughout Wales are Mudiad Meithrin.
As an organisation passionate about giving every child the opportunity to play, learn and grow through the medium of Welsh, who appreciate how important it is for you as a parent to find quality childcare and to feel that you are choosing the best education for your child.
You do not need to be able to speak Welsh to take advantage of their provision.
Cymraeg i Blant runs numerous support groups such as baby massage, baby yoga and Welsh rhyme & sign sessions across Bridgend County Borough.
Cylchoedd Ti a Fi – Parents/carers and baby/toddler groups
The Cylchoedd Ti a Fi are parent/carers and baby/toddler groups that offer sessions for parents/carers and their children from birth through to compulsory school age.
They offer opportunities for parents and carers to enjoy playing with their children in an informal Welsh atmosphere, while socialising with other parents.
Neither you nor your child needs to be able to speak Welsh to join the local group – conversation between parents in these groups happens in both Welsh and English.
You will be given every encouragement to join in the activities, and perhaps learn a little Welsh yourself on the way.
Families are welcome to attend any Cylch Ti a Fi or Cylch Meithrin. There are no catchment areas.
Cylchoedd Meithrin – Welsh-medium playgroups
The Cylchoedd Meithrin offers sessions for children from the age of two
years to school age.
Children who attend the Cylchoedd Meithrin can start without having an understanding of Welsh.
They offer opportunities for children to play, learn and socialise through the medium of Welsh. Children make significant linguistic progress at this age.
The opportunity for them to play and enjoy the company of friends through the medium of Welsh sets a firm foundation for further development.
Families are welcome to attend any Cylch Ti a Fi or Cylch Meithrin. There are no catchment areas.
Age 3 to 11 years
Primary education
The best way to learn Welsh as a child is to attend a Welsh-medium primary school.
In Welsh-medium schools, children are taught solely through the medium of Welsh (up to the age of seven).
Welsh continues to be the main teaching medium at key stage 2 (ages seven to 11) with English language lessons introduced at Year 3.
There are four Welsh-medium primary schools in the county borough: Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Ogwr, Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Calon y Cymoedd, Ysgol Cynwyd Sant and Ysgol Y Ferch O’r Sger.
Age 11 to 19 years
Secondary education
In Welsh-medium secondary schools the whole curriculum is delivered through the medium of Welsh, apart from English as a subject.
There is one Welsh-medium secondary school in the county borough: Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd in Maesteg.
School Admissions
You should apply for your child’s school place online when applications open. Get peace of mind seeing that your application has been received via My Account. It’s quick and easy to do, and an email address is all you need. Sign up to My Account today or log in to access, complete and submit your application form.
Additional support
There are many organisations and societies in the Bridgend area that offer a range of activities and events in the medium of Welsh for children and adults.