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The documents needed to claim benefits

Deductions will be made from your entitlement if you have other adults including family members living with you unless you:

  • get disability living allowance care component
  • get attendance allowance
  • are registered blind

If they have a high income and you would expect to have the maximum deduction made, you do not need to provide their income details. Just indicate it on the form.

However, if you want a lower rate of deduction, you will need to give the gross income details for all non-dependants in your household. Original documents showing their income are required. This not only includes the wages they receive but also other income such as working tax credit, and interest on any savings. The previous sections explain what evidence/information must be provided.

Please note that only original documents can be provided as proof. Photocopies are not acceptable. Your documents will be photocopied for free in any library or at the Civic Offices.


A non-dependant is anyone aged 18 or over who lives in your home or uses your home as their main residence on a non-commercial basis. They do not have to be a family member.

The effect of non-dependents on your benefits

If you have a non-dependant living with you, your benefit may be reduced.

Action to take if a non-dependent moves in

You must tell us if someone moves into or out of your home, as this may affect your benefits.
If you have a non-dependant whose income increases or decreases you must let us know. It may raise or lower the deduction we must make. Even if your non-dependant is receiving state benefits of any kind, we will need to know.

How the deduction is calculated

The government sets a weekly deduction for non-dependants, depending on their gross income. The greater their income the larger the deduction from your benefit.

Cases where no deduction is made

No deduction is made if:

  • you or your partner are receiving attendance allowance
  • you or your partner are receiving the care component of the disability living allowance
  • you or your partner are registered blind
  • your non-dependant is a full-time student or receives a work based training allowance
  • your non-dependant is in hospital for 52 weeks or more
  • your non-dependant is in prison or normally lives elsewhere
  • your non-dependant is receiving any type of pension credit

Information you need to provide

We will need to see proof of your non-dependant’s income such as:

  • wage slips
  • a completed employer’s certificate of earnings
  • an award letter from the Department for Works and Pensions
  • a student award letter
  • accounts, if your non-dependant is self-employed

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