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Council seeks source of house fly problem

Environmental health officers from the Shared Regulatory Service are visiting locations across Bridgend County Borough to determine what may be the cause for a reported increase in the number of common house flies.

The flies, which have also been reported in areas such as Broadlands and Kenfig Hill, appear to be mainly affecting homes in Bettws.

I have received many calls and emails from concerned residents who have reported having to deal with large numbers of common house flies over the last week or so.

I have reported this to environmental health experts within the Shared Regulatory Service, and they are liaising with other regulators to determine the source of the infestation. Until they have completed this process, it is important to try and avoid speculation, especially on social media, regarding where the flies may be coming from.

Once the source has been confirmed, appropriate action can be taken to tackle and address the problem, and I hope to have more news for residents on this very soon.

Councillor Martyn Jones, local member for Bettws and Cabinet Member for Education and Youth Services

Shared Regulatory Services provide Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan councils with essential services that include environmental health, trading standards and licensing. You can find out more by visiting the SRS page at the council website.

Top tips for dealing with ‘Musca domestica’ – the common house fly

  • Try to limit leaving out uncovered items that might attract house flies, such as pet food.
  • Keep fruit in the fridge instead of in a bowl – once it goes off, it will attract flies.
  • Clean up any spillages, even water, immediately as they will attract flies.
  • If you have litter trays for pets, dispose of any waste promptly.
  • Dispose of all food waste using a food caddy or a bin with a lid.
  • Keep the lids shut on your outdoor bins, and if possible, do not place them near doors and windows.
  • Make full use of the household recycling system, and request replacements for any containers that may be broken.
  • Avoid leaving doors or windows open if you have a light switched on.
  • You can encourage flies to leave a room by switching off the light and leaving your curtains and a window open – the flies will exit via the window towards daylight.
  • Local shops sell zappers, flypaper and sprays in a range of natural and environmentally friendly options.
  • You can also make your own trap by placing a bowl of cider vinegar mixed with a squirt of washing-up liquid on a stable surface.
  • Certain natural smells repel flies – try dabbing eucalyptus oil onto a cloth and hanging it near a door or window, placing mint on kitchen window sills, spraying pepper mixed with water, or lighting a citronella candle.

For more information about dealing with house flies, visit the British Pest Control Association website.

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