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Corneli Primary School is praised in recent Estyn inspection

An Estyn inspection, carried out in October 2022, has highlighted how learners at Corneli Primary School are making evident progress and are fully supported by the teaching staff.

During a two-year exemption from Estyn inspections at schools across Wales due to the pandemic, Estyn developed its inspection procedures to support the renewal and reform in Welsh education.

New inspection reports focus on how well education providers are supporting a child to learn, rather than using the summative gradings used previously.

The current Estyn reporting format considers the following categories to judge a school:

  • No follow up
  • Estyn review
  • Significant improvement required
  • Special measures required

According to Estyn inspectors, Corneli Primary School is making progress and no follow-up action is necessary at the school.

The recommendations that inspectors have suggested for the school include providing meaningful opportunities for pupils to develop their independent learning skills, as well as sharpening self-evaluation processes to focus more specifically on the impact of teaching on learning.

The local authority, alongside the Central South Consortium, will support the school in establishing an action plan to show how the recommendations will be addressed. 

What a fantastic outcome for the school! Well done Corneli Primary School – such an achievement!

I should also mention how the school was asked to produce a case study on its work in relation to supporting the development of pupils’ understanding of financial awareness, for dissemination on Estyn’s website. What an honour and a reflection of the amazing work that is happening at the school!

Congratulations to all involved! May the amazing work long continue!

Councillor Jon-Paul Blundell, Cabinet Member for Education

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