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Cabinet approves transfer of prisoner care and support to council

Since contractual arrangements with G4S Health Services are due to end shortly, Cabinet has approved that the council will assume the direct management of social care responsibilities for prisoners at HMP Parc, in line with the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014.

Although Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board will take over the provision of all health services in HMP Parc, it cannot provide domiciliary care. Therefore, Bridgend County Borough Council will become the registered domiciliary care provider.

This move is set to take place from December 2022, with existing G4S employed care staff potentially being transferred to council employment, allowing for retention of knowledge and skills – further to a consultation involving those parties affected. 

The provision of care within HMP Parc presents a different way of working for care staff, largely due to the security restrictions that are in place. In consideration of this, it has been recommended that the support team is based permanently within HMP Parc. 

It has also been suggested that a contingency team, readily having enhanced security clearance, should be available to cover in times of planned and unplanned leave, to ensure the smooth operation of social care provision. 

In light of these new conditions, the contractual arrangements between the council and G4S will be reviewed.

We will embrace the responsibility of delivering a high standard of social care and support to the prisoners at HMP Parc.

Bridgend County Borough Council is adept at accommodating change and will continue to demonstrate this through the social care provision in this complex and challenging environment.

Deputy Leader Jane Gebbie, Cabinet Member for Social Services and Early Help

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