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Bridgend County Borough Council named as Wales’ lowest costing provider of waste services

Bridgend County Borough Council has been ranked the lowest costing provider of waste services in Wales, and among the lowest costing local authority providers for recycling collections in a recently published report by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA).

To maintain the council’s commitment to cost-effective service delivery, and enhance the efficiency of the service, Councillors have approved a necessary investment in five new waste and recycling vehicles in addition to the refurbishment of three existing collection vehicles.

The investment, funded under the council’s current capital funding programme, will help ensure the council continues to be one of the lowest cost providers. It is anticipated that the new fleet procured now will form the initial stage of a seven-year rolling vehicle replacement scheme to ensure the council’s waste and recycling fleet is more-efficient, robust, and fit for purpose.


Being ranked as the most-cost effective waste service provider in Wales reinforces our commitment to our residents who expect a consistent level of good quality waste and recycling collection services. Therefore, it is imperative that we make this investment now to ensure the effective delivery of our waste and recycling service today and in the longer term.

Our waste and recycling vehicles travel hundreds of miles across the county borough each week and collect 80 tonnes of recycling each day. You can appreciate the level of maintenance required to keep them operational, particularly the mechanical compactor which condense the thousands of containers collected. Our current fleet does still have some operational life, but it will need additional maintenance and refurbishment where possible to prevent vehicle breakdowns and collection disruptions.

As our older vehicles approach end of life and eventually become uneconomical to repair, the newer vehicles will ensure that our fleet is always operating at optimum efficiency levels.

Councillor Paul Davies, Cabinet Member for Communities

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