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Welcome to Bridgend County Borough Council’s media centre. These pages feature latest news from the county borough, and you can also keep up to date by following us on social media.

This news list is currently being filtered by Regeneration  

Grand Pavilion embarks on exciting new chapter

As the curtain comes down on Bridgend Youth Theatre’s final performance of We Will Rock You on Sunday 4 February, so too begins a brand new chapter in the Grand Pavilion’s rich 92-year history.

Council reveals concept designs for new community facilities in Porthcawl

Bridgend County Borough Council has published designs which set out its ambitions for how public open space could be used in the Porthcawl waterfront area, and what new community facilities it will seek to develop over the next few years as part of the town’s ongoing regeneration.

New Porthcawl foodstore set to open this week

The new Aldi foodstore in Porthcawl is set to officially open this Thursday (13 July) and around 45 local residents have been successful in gaining employment at the store.

Council approves Licensing Impact Assessment for Bridgend town centre

Bridgend County Borough Council has approved the publishing of the Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA). This highlights how the concentration of licensed premises impacts levels of crime and other anti-social behaviour in selected areas of Bridgend town centre.

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