Report Fraud
The term ‘fraud’ commonly includes activities such as theft, corruption, conspiracy, and bribery. Fraud is a criminal act or omission of deception intended for personal gain or to cause a loss to another person or organisation.
The Corporate Fraud Investigation Team consists of professionally trained investigators who conduct civil and criminal investigations relating to the prevention and detection of crime, apprehension and prosecution of offenders, and the recovery of the proceeds of crime.
We will take all appropriate action to investigate fraud perpetrated against the council including prosecution where appropriate.
With criminals increasingly seeking to exploit any weakness across the public sector, especially during times of adversity, our focus is to remain vigilant and responsive to fraud risks. We will pursue recovery of losses and the suitable punishment of those responsible for fraud.
Report council tax reduction fraud
Council tax fraud happens when someone provides false information to us to avoid paying the correct amount.
Report blue badge fraud or misuse
This can include misuse of a genuine permit or the use of a counterfeit permit.
Report other types of fraud online
Please help us prevent, detect, and deter fraud. If you suspect that someone is committing fraud against the council, you should report them straight away using our online form.
You can report the following to the council's Fraud Team:
- Direct Payments for care / Social Care Payment fraud
- Grants not being used for the intended purpose
- Business Rates fraud
- Supplier/Contract fraud
- Bribery or Corruption
- Insurance fraud
- Recruitment fraud
- Procurement fraud
- Council Tax Discount fraud
- Mandate fraud
- Employee fraud
You can view a detailed description of each type of fraud in our FAQs.
Housing Benefit fraud and Universal Credit fraud
Report Housing Benefit fraud and Universal Credit fraud on the website
You can also telephone 0800 854440 or write to National Benefit Fraud Hotline, Mail Handling Site A,
Wolverhampton, WV98 2BP.
The Department for Work and Pensions are responsible for investigating all Housing Benefit fraud and Universal Credit Fraud.
Action Fraud
You can report any fraud that does not involve or affect Bridgend County Borough Council to Action Fraud.
The UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime. As well as reporting fraud you can also find advice and updates on recent scams.
Scams and Cyber Crime - Cyber criminals use fake messages as bait to lure you into clicking on the links within their scam email or text message, or to give away sensitive information (such as bank details). These messages may look like the real thing but are malicious. Once clicked, you may be sent to an unsafe website which could download viruses onto your computer or steal your passwords.
If you think you may have been the victim of fraud or cyber crime and had a financial loss or have been hacked as a result of responding to a phishing message, you should report this to Action Fraud.
You can report fraud or cybercrime to Action Fraud any time of the day or night using their online reporting tool.
Fair Trading
Shared Regulatory Services (SRS) ensures the correct pricing and description of goods and services, combats counterfeiting, rogue trading and scams.
For more information on fair trading and how to report, please visit the SRS website.
Fraud can include: -
- Knowingly making a false representation
- Failing to disclose information
- Abuse of position
Fraud may be committed against individuals, businesses or other organisations including councils and may be committed by persons internal or external to the council, either acting alone or as part of a group.
- Council Tax Reduction fraud - Someone who is claiming Council Tax Reduction and has not declared they are working, have a partner, own land or property, have savings or claim benefit at one address and lives elsewhere.
- Blue Badge fraud or misuse - Falsely obtaining a blue badge, misusing a legitimate blue badge, using a badge of a person who has died, using a fake blue badge, using a stolen blue badge or using an expired blue badge.
- Direct Payments for care / Social Care Payment Fraud - This can be where an individual is receiving payments from the council to provide care for themselves or another person, but some or all the money is not being spent on care.
- Grants fraud - This can be where grants can be made to individuals or organisations to assist their operations or to adapt homes to accommodate specific needs of the occupants but are not being used for the intended purpose.
- Business Rates fraud - Business rates fraud is committed when someone deliberately gives false or misleading information so that they can pay lower or no business rates. It could include falsely declaring that a property is no longer in use to qualify for a reduction in rates.
- Supplier/Contract fraud - This can be where a supplier or contractor knowingly provides goods or products that are inferior or of a cheaper cost to them, when the council has paid for and is expecting goods or products of a higher quality.
- Bribery or Corruption - Acceptance of money or gifts, favouring contractors or price fixing. Council staff or Councillors taking advantage of their position.
- Insurance fraud - Any insurance claim that is proved to be false, made against the organisation or the organisation's insurers.
- Recruitment fraud - Applicants providing false CVs, job histories, qualifications, references, immigration status (i.e., the right to work in the UK) or the use of a false identity to hide criminal convictions or immigration status.
Procurement fraud - The procuring of services to the Council which have been done scrupulously, by way of financial favour, inside knowledge, coercion or otherwise.
Council Tax Discount fraud - Types of discounts that may be claimed fraudulently include claiming to live in a single-person household to get the single person discount when more than one person lives in the household, pretending to be a student to get the student discount when someone is not a student, claiming a property is unoccupied and unfurnished when it is not or claiming for an exemption that the council tax payer is not entitled to.
Mandate Fraud - Action Fraud defines mandate fraud as “when someone gets you to change a direct debit, standing order or bank transfer mandate, by purporting to be (trying to appear as) an organisation you make regular payments to, for example a subscription or membership organisation or a supplier to your business”.
Employee Fraud - Frauds involving council employees that are in the process of being or have been made against the council e.g., theft of council goods/services, ‘time loss’ fraud or submitting false expenses claims.
Fraud is not a victimless crime and can affect us all.
- the monetary cost – In monetary terms, fraud costs the country billions of pounds a year and increases the amount of Income Tax and Council Tax you pay. It also affects the amount of money we have available to spend on providing public services. Fraud means there is less money available to improve and upgrade such things as educational facilities, social care and transport.
- the human cost – There are other not so obvious costs as a consequence of some frauds. For example, a consequence of Blue Badge fraud is that disabled parking spaces, meant for those that need them, are reduced depriving often vulnerable people of the ability to leave their home and conduct their essential business.
Bridgend County Borough Council is required by law to protect the public funds in administers. Our reputation is underpinned by ethical behavior, financial probity and honesty. Any cases of fraud, bribery, corruption or other dishonesty could adversely affect the Council’s reputation and put its ability to achieve its policies and objectives at risk. If we think someone is committing fraud against the council, we will investigate them. If we find evidence to prove that a person is committing fraud, they may be prosecuted via the Magistrates or Crown Courts.
Council Officers may also be subject to disciplinary proceedings. Councillors may also be referred to the Public Ombudsman for Wales.
In any event, we always look to recover any monetary or material losses. In specific circumstances we may also seek to confiscate further monies or assets if they are believed to be the proceeds of crime.
Please note we are unable to provide updates on individual cases due to the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Human Rights Act 1998.
The council’s Corporate Fraud Team carry out investigations for the prevention and detection of crime.
They investigate fraud and irregularity allegations examples of which are listed above.
Please help us prevent, detect, and deter fraud. If you suspect that someone is committing fraud against the council, you should report them straight away.
There are several ways you can do this confidentially. You don’t have to give your name unless you want to. Please provide as much information as possible to help us investigate.
The information you give will be looked at. If you’ve given enough information, then the person’s claim will be checked. You won’t be told the outcome of the investigations though.
Sometimes no action is taken. It might be that the person has declared a change in their circumstances and their benefit is not affected by it.
If the person is found to have been committing benefit fraud, then action will be taken against them. Action can include removing a person’s benefits and prosecuting them in court.
Corporate Criminal Offence (CCO)
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) introduced a suite of measures as part of the Criminal Finances Act 2017 to combat financial crime. The Corporate Criminal Offence is a piece of legislation brought in through the Act aimed at tackling tax evaders, enablers, and those who fail to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion.
Concerns relating to failure within Bridgend County Borough Council to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion should be directed to:
Money Laundering
Money laundering is the process where criminal proceeds are cleansed to disguise their illicit origins. The National Crime Agency reports that money laundering costs the UK more than £100 billion pounds a year. Criminals will attempt to distance themselves from their crimes by finding safe havens for their profits, where they can avoid confiscation orders, and where those proceeds can be made to appear legitimate.
Bridgend County Borough Council has put in place appropriate and proportionate anti-money laundering safeguards and reporting arrangements.
Concerns relating to money laundering should be directed to:
National Fraud Initiative – Fair Processing Notice
Bridgend County Borough Council is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. It may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, in order to prevent and detect fraud.
The Auditor General for Wales (the Auditor General) audits the accounts of this authority. He is also responsible for carrying out data matching exercises.
Data matching involves comparing computer records held by one body against other computer records held by the same or another body to see how far they match. This is usually personal information. Computerised data matching allows potentially fraudulent claims and payments to be identified. Where a match is found it may indicate that there is an inconsistency which requires further investigation. No assumption can be made as to whether there is fraud, error or other explanation until an investigation is carried out.
The Auditor General currently requires us to participate in a data matching exercise to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud. We are required to provide particular sets of data to the Auditor General for matching for each exercise, and these are set out in the Audit Commission’s guidance. Since it began in 1996, National Fraud Initiative (NFI) exercises have resulted in the detection and prevention of more than £35.4 million of fraud and overpayments in Wales, and £1.69 billion across the UK.
The use of data by the Auditor General in a data matching exercise is carried out with statutory authority under his powers in Part 3 of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004. It does not require the consent of the individuals concerned under the Data Protection Act 2018.
Data matching by the Auditor General is subject to a Code of Practice.
For further information on the Auditor General’s legal powers and the reasons why it matches particular information.