Overview and scrutiny committees
The role of the overview and scrutiny committees is to hold executive and cabinet members to account over decisions that are made.
They make reports and recommendations which advise the cabinet and the council on its policies, budget and service delivery. They support the work of the council as a whole in the improvement of public services.
The role of overview and scrutiny
Overview and scrutiny committees:
- help to form council policies and decisions and make sure they reflect the needs of residents and community groups
- monitor executive and council decisions and make the decision making process more community focused
- make sure high quality services are provided to residents
- question councillors, staff, outside organisations and the public on public services
- engage with the public to develop policies and services that are focused on them
- review policies and services and recommend improvements
Why we have overview and scrutiny committees
We have overview and scrutiny committees for many reasons, including:
- improving decision making
- improving services
- improving the way that policies are made
- enhancing democracy
- ensuring transparency and accountability
- encouraging evidence based self-challenge