Browse services by letter
- Abandoned vehicles
- Accessibility
- Active Travel
- Active Travel Consultation
- Active Travel Route along Cowbridge Road
- Acupuncture
- Adaptations and repairs, housing
- Additional Learning Needs
- Admissions
- Admissions forum
- Adoption
- Adult Community Learning
- Affordable housing and Gypsy traveller provision
- Air quality and pollution
- Allotments
- Alternative sites, hearing session
- Amended sites consultation
- Amended sites responses
- Amended sites, hearing session
- Ancient monuments
- Animal boarding licence
- Animal health and welfare
- Annual report
- Apply for admission to school
- Apprentice council tax discount
- Apprenticeships
- Approved premises, food
- Archaeology
- Archbishop McGrath Comprehensive School
- Armed Forces Community Covenant
- Assia domestic abuse service
- Assisting Recovery in the Community (ARC)
- Attachment of earnings rules for employers
- Audit reports
- Awel-y-Mor community centre
- Bakers Way
- Beaches
- Become a councillor
- Become a Lay Member
- Bedbugs
- Bees
- Benefits and support
- Benefits calculator
- Bereavement services
- Betws Life Centre
- Bin collections
- Birth registration
- Birth, death and marriage records
- Blaengarw Working Men’s Hall
- B-Leaf
- Blue and green bag deliveries
- Blue Badge applications
- Blue bags
- Boarding licences (animals)
- Bonfires
- Book of condolence
- Boundary Reviews
- Brexit (EU Transition)
- Bridgend Biodiversity Partnership
- Bridgend Business Forum
- Bridgend Life Centre
- Bridgend Local Nature Partnership
- Bridgend Youth Support
- Bridleways
- Bryngarw Country Park
- Budgets
- Building Conservation
- Building control
- Bulky waste collections
- Burials
- Bus Passes
- Buses to school
- Business Continuity Management
- Business rates
- Cabinet members and scrutiny chairs
- Caerau Heat Scheme
- Calculator for benefits
- Calendar of meetings
- Car parks
- Care home council tax reduction form
- Care workers/carers council tax discount application form
- Carers
- Cemeteries
- Chaperones
- Child benefit council tax reduction application form
- Child employment
- Child minder
- Child protection
- Childcare
- Children
- Churches, chapels and religious buildings
- Citizens' panel
- Civic amenity sites
- Civil partnerships
- Club premises certificates
- Cockroaches
- Coity Higher and Litchard Community Centre
- Collection day
- Collection licences (street)
- Commemorative bench plaque and tree application form
- Commemorative benches
- Common housing register
- Community Action Fund
- Community Asset Transfer
- Community centres
- Community councils
- Community hubs
- Community independence and respite team
- Community recycling centres
- Community Risk Register
- Community safety partnership
- Community Transport
- Complaints (bereavement)
- Complaints (formal, in general)
- Complaints (social services)
- Conservation
- Constitution
- Consultation
- Consumer advice
- Contact us
- Contaminated land
- Corporate plan
- Council Leader
- Council priorities and performance
- Council tax
- Council tax (change of address)
- Council Tax (Direct Debit)
- Council tax refund request form
- Councillors and elected representatives
- Councillor's attendance records
- Councillors' code of conduct
- Councillors' remuneration
- Counselling for young people
- Courses by subject
- Coychurch Crematorium
- Cremation rules and guidance
- Cricket pitches
- Customer services
- Damp in rental housing
- Dangerous structures
- Dangerous wild animal licence
- Data protection
- Death registration
- Demolition
- Design Guides/Briefs (Planning)
- Development planning
- Direct Debit (Council Tax)
- Disabled band council tax reduction application form
- Discretionary housing payments
- Dog beach ban
- Dog fouling
- Dog wardens
- Domestic abuse
- Domiciliary care
- Doorstep crime
- Dropped kerbs
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Dumped vehicles
- Early Help Services
- Economic Resilience Fund
- Education
- Election results
- Elections
- Electoral register
- Electoral vacancies
- Electrolysis license
- Emergency Planning
- Employability Bridgend
- Employing children
- Empty homes
- Empty homes (council tax)
- Environmental health
- Environmental Information Regulations 2004
- Equality and diversity
- EU Transition
- European funding
- European Parliamentary elections
- Event catering
- Event notice
- Extending buildings
- Fair processing statements
- Fair trading
- Family history
- Family Information Service
- Fees and Charges
- Flooding
- Flying Start
- Fly-tipping
- Food hygiene standards
- Food parcel
- Football pitches
- Footfall data
- Footpaths
- Fostering
- Fraud
- Free school meals
- Free school meals food parcel
- Freedom of information
- Funding
- Gambling licences
- Garages for rent
- Garden waste
- Garw Valley Life Centre
- Gas canister disposal
- Gating orders
- Governors (schools)
- Graffiti
- Grand pavilion, Porthcawl
- Granny annex council tax exemption application form
- Grants for disability facilities
- Grants for pupils
- Grass cutting
- Green bag deliveries
- Gyms
- Halo leisure centres
- Harwood House
- Health and safety
- Health and social care
- Help Nature at Home
- Help Nature at Home
- Heritage
- Historic buildings
- Home to school transport
- Homelessness advice and prevention
- Horse welfare
- Hospital/care home stay council tax reduction form
- House of multiple occupation (HMO) licences
- Household waste
- House-to-house collections licences
- Housing adaptions and repairs
- Housing associations
- Housing benefit
- Housing register
- Hypnotism licence
- Independence and wellbeing team
- Infectious disease
- Inspections, food hygiene
- Intellectual property crime/counterfeiting
- Knotweed (Japanese)
- Land charges
- Landlords
- Lay Member
- Leader of the Council
- Learning disabilities
- Leaving EU
- Legal notices
- Leisure centres
- Libraries
- Licence fees
- Licensing
- Light pollution
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks
- Local community coordination of wellbeing activities
- Local development plan (LDP)
- Local housing allowance rates
- Low Carbon Communities
- Maesteg Sports Centre
- Maesteg Swimming Pool
- Maesteg Town Hall
- Margam Crematorium
- Marriage
- Marriage premises approval
- Marriage records
- Mayor
- Mayor's citizenship awards nomination form
- Media enquiries
- Meetings, agendas and minutes
- Members of Parliament (MPs)
- Memorial benches and plaques
- Memorials at Coychurch Crematorium
- Mental health recovery services
- Mental Health Services
- Mental impairment council tax discount application form
- Metal dealer registration
- Mice
- Missed recycling or waste collections
- Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
- Multiply
- Nappies and absorbent waste
- Nature and well-being
- News
- Noise pollution
- Nursery applications
- Nursing care
- Odour and dust nuisance
- Ogmore Valley Life Centre
- Online book of condolence
- Open data
- Overview and scrutiny
- Parking (car)
- Parking application form for residents
- Parking enforcement
- Parking permit
- Parks
- Party wall act
- Pavilions
- Pay policy
- Pencoed Swimming Pool
- Performing animals registration
- Personal information access form
- Personal licences
- Pest control
- Pet shop licences
- Petroleum and explosives enforcement
- Petroleum licences
- Piercing licences
- Planning advice
- Planning and building control
- Planning appeals search
- Planning applications
- Planning enforcement search
- Planning forms and fees
- Planning permission
- Play
- Play sufficiency assessment and action plan
- Playgroups
- Playing fields
- Pollution (noise and air)
- Pop-up shop guide
- Portage for pre-schoolers with learning difficulties
- Premises approval for marriage or civil ceremonies
- Premises licences
- Prevention of homelessness
- Priorities and performance
- Prisoner council tax reduction form
- Privacy statement
- Private sector renewal policy
- Product safety
- Protected buildings
- Public footpaths
- Public Services Board (PSB)
- Public toilets
- Pupil exclusions
- Pyle Swimming Pool
- Rates, business
- Rats
- Recycling
- Recycling centres
- Recycling containers
- Refuse collections
- Regeneration
- Register a food business
- Register of declarations deposited
- Register of definitive map modification orders
- Register to vote
- Registering a birth
- Registering a death
- Religious education
- Rent Smart Wales
- Residential care
- Residential parking permit application form
- Respite care
- Restoration
- Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief Scheme
- Riding establishment licences
- Rights of way
- Roads, transport and parking
- Rubbish
- Rugby pitches
- Safety at sports grounds
- Scaffolding permit application form
- Scams
- Scheduled ancient monuments
- Scheme of delegation
- School admissions
- School closures
- School contact list
- School governors
- School meals
- School term dates
- School transfer requests
- School transport
- Schools and education
- Scrap metal dealer registration
- Scrutiny
- Scrutiny chairs
- Search planning appeals
- Search planning applications
- Self-isolation Support Scheme
- Severe Mental Impairment Reduction
- Sex establishment licences
- Shared Prosperity Fund
- Sharps/needles
- Single occupier discount application form
- Skip on a highway application form
- Smoke free premises and vehicles
- Social care
- Social services complaint form
- Social services complaints
- Sponsor
- Sports centres
- Statement of accounts
- Stray dogs
- Street cleaning
- Street collection licences
- Street lighting problems
- Street naming and numbering information submission form
- Street trader licences
- Student council tax discount/exemption application form
- Student finance
- Student housing
- Sunday trading laws
- Supplementary planning guidance
- Support
- Support for Ukrainian refugees
- Supported lodgings
- Swimming pools
- Tattoo licenses
- Taxi licenses
- Temporary event notices
- Tenants
- Term dates
- Testing Facilities
- Tide timetable
- Tipping permits
- Toilets
- Tourism
- Town centre footfall data
- Town Centres
- Town councils
- Townscape Heritage Initiative
- Trade waste
- Trading standards
- Traditional buildings
- Traffic Wales
- Transitional Carer
- Transport
- Transport for school
- Ukraine
- Ukrainian refugees
- Under age sales
- Uniform (distinctive uniform grant)
- Unlisted buildings
- Unoccupied property council tax discount application form
- Waste collection
- Water quality
- Webcasting
- Weekly planning applications
- Weights and measures
- Welsh Education Strategic Plan (WESP)
- Welsh language
- Western Bay health and social care programme
- Winter Fuel Support Scheme
- Wood-B
- Work
- Workplace accidents
- Ynysawdre Swimming Pool