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Bridgend County Borough Council is committed to listening and responding to residents’ views. We want to give opportunities for local people to contribute to decision making. 

We welcome responses in Welsh.  All consultations are available in Welsh via the Cymraeg button. Alternative formats are available upon request.

Current consultations

Learner Travel Consultation

This consultation is to invite views on potential changes to the travel arrangements for pupils and college learners, and how any proposed changes to the Home to School/College Transport Policy will affect you and your family.

Bridgend County Borough Council is currently facing unprecedented pressures on its budget which will result in the need to make significant budget reductions over the next four years. This is set against a backdrop of a projected overspend of £1.157M for home-to-school transport in 2023-2024. As one of the most generous learner travel policy offers in Wales, there is a proposed £792k saving for 2025-26 in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy.

Closing date: 3 July 2024

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